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Significance of the domain name:
Experimental challenges
Experimental challenge of fusion for ITER
Experimental challenge of "cognitive fusion"for ITER-8
Complementarity and self-reflexivity
Complementarity between ITER-8 and the ITER fusion project
ITER-8 self-reflexive design
Torus dynamics common to ITER and ITER-8
Dematerialization and virtualization
Correspondence between the virtual reality of ITER and ITER-8
Complementary fusion metaphors: "plasma dynamics" and "attention dynamics"
Towards a language appropriate to dynamic engagement(form, embodiment, didjeridu)
3-fold Complementarity (nuclear fusion, didjeridu, cognitive fusion)
Helical threading of "incommensurables"(snake, spirals, supercoiling, simulation)
Coactive contextual relationships
ITER-8: a necessarily underdefined entity
Resonant associations to other "ITER" projects, people, institutions, technologies
Cognitive fusion through myth and symbol making
Myth and indigenous knowledge
Archetypal symbolism indicative of the fundamental dimensions of ITER-8
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Cognitive checks and balances
Collective initiatives
Collective decision-making
Collective design
Collective intelligence and concentration
Collective meditation and ritual
Collective research
Dependence on psycho-social energy in conditions of systems failure
Design and composition
Environments for potential cognitive fusion
Business incubators
Intentional communities
Meetings, plenary assemblies and parliaments
Research laboratories
Think tanks
Fusion as variously understood
Cognitive fusion under stress (combat situations)
Kairos and catharsis
Moment of discovery
Orchestration and scheduling on-the-fly
Transformative moments
Historical examples of vital role of psycho-social energy
Metaphors relevant to energy generation and transformation
Performance skills as source of relevant metaphor
Technology as source of relevant metaphor
Psycho-social energy as variously understood
Ch'i (qi)
Community, group & team energy
Community, group & team motivation, "animation" and enthusiasm
Entrepreneurial energy
Individual energy, self-motivation, "animation" and enthusiasm
Individual "psychic energy"
Individual creativity
Individual engagement
Inspirational energy
National and cultural energy
Spiritual energy
Patterns of conceptual integration
Knowledge organization and configuration
Symbolic patterns as energy focusing devices
Sustainability / Renewability of psycho-social energy
Specific documents
Collections of documents
Other documentary resources
Association context (map)
Complementary initiatives
Cognitive Fusion Reactor (ITER-8)
Union of Imaginable Associations
University of Earth
Union of the Whys
Research resources
Laetus in Praesens
Historical associations
Union of Intelligible Associations
Union of International Associations
Mankind 2000 / Humanité 2000
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
English to French
English to German
English to Italian
English to Portuguese
English to Spanish
Initiatives of ITER-8 (Cognitive Fusion Reactor)
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Information to be provided
See checklist of
(in pull-down menu above)
See also
resource documents
See also significance of
web domain
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License